Sunday, January 7

My MissyMae

Here's the precious little MissyMae. LOL She's and ornery little thing! Just a weeeeee bit spoiled. Hey, but she's eating good stuff! Her veggies. David was having a sweet potatoe and she is willing to try anything! LOL She loved it of course.

Yep, there's a kiss. now how about a bite!

The guys at work rather spoiled her on he table food. I try not to give her to much, and am teaching her manners along with it. LOL Well, trying to teach her manners.

We have taught her to sit before we go outside. She has to sit before I put the leash on her. and she has to stay sitting until I tell her it's time to go outside. Terribly hard for miss wiggle butt to do! She also, sits, speaks, rolls over, shakes, and gives kisses.

Just gotta love her! And you know, both my dogs have come unexectedly. From other people suggesting that we need them. And they are both the perfect doggies for us! We just love them to death.

Saturday, January 6

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! Sure is a mild new year in Kansas. Well, Central Kansas that is. Western Kansas got absolutely hammered with 32" of snow in some places. Many, many folks without power. 1000's of cattle deaths. Just awful.

But here in Central Kansas it's pretty dry as usual!

We spent the NY weekend (part of it) moving DD and SIL to a different rental property. It's just beautiful! I've posted a picture of it here.

It's a really beautiful place, and as you can see in the next picture here, it is by the lake! Wahhhh.......I think I'm jealous! LOL Well, maybe just a little envious. But sooooooo happy for them!

It was perfect weather for moving day. In the 50's and sunny. We got everything moved into the new place on Friday. Saturday it rained all day. Yay! So glad we didn't do the moving on Saturday. LOL Then Sunday it snowed. Go figure!

Anyway, it all went well. Nothing broken. and just a good time!