Saturday, November 18

Yay! Vacation time!

Woohoo!!!!!!!!! I'm off work next week. The week of Thanksgiving. I woke up this morning and felt that definite "Peace" that I always feel when I don't have to work. Someday I am going to accomplish the whole "no work" thing permanently. I want to be able to stay home, keep up the house, be more involved in our church and volunteer work. That is my dream. so until then, I'll just enjoy my vacation time.

Yeah, welllllll........I've still got those bulbs to plant too! Yikes! Definitely this week. I don't think Mother Nature is going to hold off for me much longer. she's been pretty patient with me already. LOL

My Christmas / Thanksgiving Cactus are beginning to bloom. They are so pretty. The pink one is from last year. If I would have cared for it better, it would have bloomed better. LOL Oooops! maybe next year. The peach color one I just couldn't resist buying. It was such a pretty color.

Also, my Amaryllis are starting to grow. Here's a picture of the progress they are making. I'm really excited for them to bloom. Oh, I think I've said that before! LOL

Saturday, November 11

Autumn doggies

It's so pretty out now, with the pumpkin and mum decorations out. The nice little "crisp" to the air. It makes the puppy ornery for sure! She gets out there in that crispy air and is just full of vinegar!

Here's a couple pics I took outside today.

My little baby taking a break in the grass.

My babies sitting by my fall decorations

It's going to be a really nice weekend. I've taken Monday off so I can have and awesome day to myself. I love days just for me! (The selfish side of me!)Seriously though......I think all women need "me" days. It's just a good way to unwind. I have to giggle at the magazine articles that say to take an hour or 2 just for yourself. Honey, I need a whole day! But then again, my kids are grown. Women with little ones often don't have that luxury.

oh well, off that little jabber session. LOL

I've been busy knitting again. Here's a couple of things in the works. The socks are for a friend of mine that helps me with my computer problems when I have them. So a HUGE thank you to him. The second is of my second pair of mittens I've ever made. They are pink wool. To small for me, so they are going to a craft sale at our church.

That's about it for now!

Sunday, November 5

Pretty day!

Ahhhhhhhh yesssss..........another gorgeous fall day in Kansas! Short sleaves and shorts are allowed today!

I started out the day on the right foot! I went to the adult Sunday School Class at our church. I had never been to it before (well, for several years) and I absolutely loved it! There were only 7-8 of us, but WOW......what a beautiful impact it had on my day.

Then I stayed for church, which I usually do. We have an awesome Pastor. He is sooooooo full of life, and he's loud, and makes you want to go. He delivers a message like no other pastor we have ever had out our church. After all......we are Lutherans. LOL And we kind of think we need to sit politely in church and not talk to much, and blah, blah, blah........LOL But this pastor has certainly livened it up, and everyone loves it!

Tonight we have an awesome Bible Studay that Austin (our son) and I always go to. It's great. We're discussing "How business interferes with our Spiritual self". Really really good discussion.

Here is a link to our church website if you would like to view it. I have attended this church my entire life.

Salemsborg Church
This afternoon I think I'll just work out in the yard a bit. Plant some lilies, play with the pups,etc. Just lazy stuff. I was going to go to an open house at the knitting shop I frequent, but I don't want to waste the gas and drive the 10 miles to town. LOL Call me lazy......I'll agree

Beautiful Day in Kansas

Wow, what a great day it was in Kansas. It was around 70* outside and gorgeous!

Even though it was nice out , it started out a little dreary. We needed to attend a funeral this morning. It was for a 16 year old son of one of David's cousins. He decided that life was to difficult and chose to end his. So sad and such a waste. The church was filled with teenage friends. It was clear that he did not lack in friends. Whatever it was, it must have seemed impossible for him to deal with. So sad.

Then the rest of the day started:

I pulled up the dead tomato plants, tilled some of the soil in the greenhouse and started putting up the bubble wrap inside to help insulate it for the winter. My hope is to keep it around 45* or so out there for the winter. A nice place to store my Canna and Dahlia bulbs. Overwinter some things that can't take the colder weather.

I also put mulch up around a lot of my rose bushes today. Something I think I'm going to do every year, but never seem to get done. LOL

Then of was nap time with the puppies! LOL My favorite part of the weekend days. LOL We took a nap for about 1 1/2 hours. such great little napping buddies these girls are.

Tommorrow I plan on putting up some more of the bubble wrap in the greenhouse. I also need to plant about 50 bazillion bulbs. LOL Well, maybe not that many!

Oh, and here are pics of some of the Amaryllis I am growing at the moment. It will take them 6-8 weeks to start blooming, so I should have lots of beauty over the holidays. Nothing like flowers to brighten a winter day!
Queen of Hearts

Dancing Queen


Saturday, November 4

A lazy day for sure!

What a lazy day! LOL I took the day of from work and basically did NOTHING! Oh well, that's what I like to do on my days off. But I have soooooo much to do. So tomorrow I'll get with it. I've got tons of bulbs to plant.

Today I did plant another one of my amaryllis bulbs. I got some wonderful amaryllis from a bulb Co-op I belong to. They are HUGE as you can see from the picture.

My plan is to plant one or two each week so I have gorgrous blooms for a long time! I love amaryllis. Here's a little information on amaryllis in case you are wanting to try one. You will be greatly rewarded. I'm going to try and get mine to rebloom next year, something I have never really tried. But the bulbs I got are so nice that I really need to.

Name - The Amaryllis hybrids are properly known as Hippeastrum, which means horseman star.

Description - Amaryllis have long been popular plants as they flower easily and produce big and showy trumpet-shaped flowers which brighten up any dark corner of a room, especially in winter. The flowers can be as large as 15cm/6in and the stems 30-50cm (1-2ft).

Origin - Central and South America

Colour - Red, salmon, orange, pink, white and multicoloured

Family - Amaryllidaceae, amaryllis family

Varieties - There are today many countless varieties. Some are slightly scented, particularly the white flowers. Popular varieties are 'Red Lion' (red) and 'Orange Souvereign' (dark orange). An example with a sweet fragrant is the 'Apple Blossom' in tones of pink and white.

Care Tips - Room temperature around 20 C (64 F) and a bright location. Water generously during the growing and flowering period, and feed monthly even after flowering. The Amaryllis usually flowers after 5-6 weeks of purchase provided it is given the right conditions

Hubby and I went to eat at the local chinese restaurant around 3 pm. So that covered lunch and dinner. was good.

The puppies are great today! MissyMae has started to ring the bells on the front door when she wants to go out. Today it became somewhat of a game. Right after we came in , she turned around and rang them again. LOL Feast or Famine! She and Zada sure are fun though. Here they are at work playing.

Wednesday, November 1

My Halloween babies

My little clown, MissyMae

And my witch , Zada

Here's my 4 legged babies all dressed up for Halloween!

We only had about 1/2 of the normal trick or treaters. Our high school is in sub-state so they had a game tonight. It really cut down on the kids. We had about 20 instead of the usual 40-50. Hmmmmmmmm, more candy left for us? NOOOOO! The last few kids that came really got their buckets filled! LOLOL

And how was your Halloween?