Monday, October 30

A bit more rambling.......

Ok, here's a bit more.

Gardening.......I love to garden. I have been gardening for many years. Little bits at at time I've expanded my garden. It's continually changing and I have big plans for it again in the spring.

I have a ton of lily bulbs to plant. LOL I suppose I should get it done soon huh? LOL Here's a couple of pics of my garden. I hope you enjoy them.

They are from late in the season, so not a lot of color.


Dreaming again said...

So ... lily bulbs need planting soon huh? I love lillies ... that may be one of the first things I need to do when I move in in TWO WEEKS!

They'll plant flowers, but it will be pansies (love them) and a redbud tree ...

I love that rocking chair, Peg!!

Just beautiful!!

Hey! I have a porch now for you to come down and have coffee on! Well I will soon.


Peg said...

Yep, lily bulbs go in the ground now. they sleep all winter, and yay........beautiful flowers next spring / summer. Now's the time for planting lilies, tulips, daffs, fritts, crocus.

Oh cool! Love porches to sit on and drink coffee!!!!!!!!