Saturday, November 11

Autumn doggies

It's so pretty out now, with the pumpkin and mum decorations out. The nice little "crisp" to the air. It makes the puppy ornery for sure! She gets out there in that crispy air and is just full of vinegar!

Here's a couple pics I took outside today.

My little baby taking a break in the grass.

My babies sitting by my fall decorations

It's going to be a really nice weekend. I've taken Monday off so I can have and awesome day to myself. I love days just for me! (The selfish side of me!)Seriously though......I think all women need "me" days. It's just a good way to unwind. I have to giggle at the magazine articles that say to take an hour or 2 just for yourself. Honey, I need a whole day! But then again, my kids are grown. Women with little ones often don't have that luxury.

oh well, off that little jabber session. LOL

I've been busy knitting again. Here's a couple of things in the works. The socks are for a friend of mine that helps me with my computer problems when I have them. So a HUGE thank you to him. The second is of my second pair of mittens I've ever made. They are pink wool. To small for me, so they are going to a craft sale at our church.

That's about it for now!

1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

I hope you had a lot of fun on Monday!!

The dogs are sooo cute!!